fredag 11 mars 2022

Putin and Patriarch Kirill

Vote on your favorite meme!

What does god think of the war in ukraine?

I don't know, what do you think?

1. "Putin: 'Gott mit uns?' Patriarch Kiril: 'Бог с нами!'"

2.  "Putin: 'Бог с нами?' Patriarch Kiril: 'нет!'"

Vote and win your very own *Zinc coffin*!*

*May not apply depending on the outcome and scope of the war...

"Z" as in Zinc coffin II

 Help spread this meme.

The translation is a little bit off, butt russian military coffins made of zinc is still a thing...and there are a lot of them for no good reason...

torsdag 10 mars 2022

"Z" as in Zinc coffin

 "Z" as in Zinc coffin.

Första inlägget på 11 år.

Tack Putin...

Gammal inlägg får nog betraktas som potentiellt inaktuella i all bemärkelse...